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Middle School Field Experience

Throughout my time in Block II, I kept a jounral to see how I grew or if I changed over the semester. I think the biggest change I saw was that I became more confident in what I was doing. I know how to instruct and how to teacher; I am a capable teacher, but I didn't feel like one starting out. It was scary to be one of the adults in the room, especially since there wasn't a very signigicant age gap between us. 


However, it took time and it took consistency on my end, but I became a real "adult" in their eyes. My mentor teacher even pointed it out. But, as I continued to show up in the classroom and work with the kids, as I tried to relate to them in their home languages, as I tried to find ways to keep them engaged in my mentor teacher's lessons and mine, I started to be someone they weren't afraid to ask questions. It really does mean a lot that they see me like a real teacher, even if some of them are still antagonistic middle schooler's at heart, but it made me feel more confident in my choice of career path. 

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